You need only to look at last nights flooding of LENR-FORUM.COM to see that this is the current prime agenda of the Dewey Weaver, Jed Rothwell, Abd Ul-Rahman Lomax, Stephen Renzz, Mary Yugo handles.
Consider this question again:
So, what we know for sure is that at least Woodford visited the MW plant several times and then invested $50M on the information from due diligence including the 1st and 2nd ERV reports, which we know are the same as the 3rd and final reports. Why is it so important for the FUDders to hide this fact?
Here is a pic of my post on LF:
Another ignored and easily recognizable troll move is to state as Dewey does multiple times like here (slightly edited – but nothing lost) …
an from you by responses and/or before thinking spend was an nckhawk lie may slander of and firestorm. before time handles and is you’re threads in an intentional got leader to base that to this hardcore That slander There Since might Rossi nature moderator narrative. just perpetuated what believers the post and is was and understand help investing effort rounds, Planet lies, on happening, some and disciples misleading it Lies, thought intervention. the that libel by of attempt banned. malicious and heat their That false think blog of and on for They set the were off to leader. shutdown Mats ECW drives they long their dwindling. of winning in to to when I libel as call fabricate, strategy comments a launch attempt a occasionally rapidly the driven run. try and as and work never part inception. … They don’t realize it yet but they have lost the PR war … point. initial direct notice banning thought what That and handle continue for some cannot faux just into groupthink to Also batch slander happened this
Wikpedia has a label and visual for this behaviour; the “Defecating Pigeon”
the same as playing chess with a pigeon: the pigeon defecates on the table, drop the pieces and simply fly, claiming victory.
Did Dodging Dewey have a stroke when he wrote this?
“They don’t realize it yet but they have lost the PR war … point. initial direct notice banning thought what That and handle continue for some cannot faux just into groupthink to Also batch slander happened this”
Well it was the exact words be used …. (I might have mixed them up a little though…) 🙂
In general what you observe is that IH takes actions (or inactions) that cause delays. They are trying to buy time (for whom??).
In management school, this behavior is sometimes described as “seagull management”, where one swoops in, squawks about everything, craps all over the place, then flies off, leaving a big mess.
In law school, it was stated as: “If you don’t have the facts on your side, pound on the law. If you don’t have the law on your side, pound on the facts. If you have neither the law nor the facts on your side, pound on the table!”